New Year, New Changes

Time to blow the dust off this old place.

Well, to say that things haven’t gone according to my plans this time last year would be an understatement. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing — well, it is if you’ve been reading Chibi Cheerleaders.

Well unfortunately for the Chibi fans, things aren’t going to be changing much. Due to a lack of time (on Stacey’s part –she has a lot of new responsibilities at Utah State) and, more importantly, desire (on both our parts), Chibi Cheerleaders is being put on the shelf. And this time, it’s going to stay there.

It’s really for the best. We took much longer to tell the story than we planned, and lost a lot of momentum that we never really gained back. Live and learn, I guess.

That doesn’t mean that there won’t be any new material on the site. In fact, I know there will be at least two new comics posted here in the coming months, as well as more daily sketches and commissions. I don’t know if I’ll keep the blog around since I barely use it (I’ve been much more proficient with Twitter, oddly enough). Maybe I’ll keep it around, but just not have it be the focal point of the front page. We’ll see.

The point is, yet again, there’ll be some changes around here. But while Chibi might now be (in)completed, I’m not quite done yet.

Stay tuned.